Competitive Programs

The competitive program provides the opportunity for high level play in leagues in South Florida. Each middle school and high school participant must maintain a  2.0 Cumulative Grade Pain Average (GPA). Elementary schoolers must maintain a passing grade. Grades are monitored quarterly.

Tournament play, an integral of our mission, is scheduled as funds are available. Tournaments serve two purposes. One, is to expose players to the intensity of competition. Secondly, for older teams, college and university coaches use tournaments to scout players and may lead to scholarship opportunities.


Tryouts are held annually in late April / early May. The exact dates will be posted on the website, once confirmed. Tryouts are by age group. Sessions are in a practice type format where the Director of Coaching and the Director of the club will assess ball control, foot skills, speed, and understanding of the game. FYSA and league rules permit 18 players per team.

Each player should arrive to tryouts on time with proper gear including comfortable shorts, t-shirt, soccer cleats and shin guards and enough water to remain hydrated for 2 hours.
